I do looooove to take a picture and so what??
Meet my youngest brother, Syazwan. He do love to take a picture. **Psstt...his posing and his pictures are demm more cool than mine! haha.
Another picture wif him. As I said he lovveesss to take a pictures!
Okey this one is suck. Gambar sblum present Quality Management. Ahaks.
Nie muke mntak penyepak. Muke tikus bak kate Iera. hahah.
Okey, nie pom hobby sy. Tngkap gmba mnde yg ta ptot.
Please do not zoom my pants. Hahah. Meet my bedroom heels. hahaahah.
This one. No comment.
Okey. My lips looks very pale. Forgot to wear lip gloss. =.=
Nie gmba comel sy. :p
Okey. This one is second sucks. Nmpak sgt chubby sbb senyum mcm tu. adehh.
Tp comel ta mnde kt ats pale sy tu? heee :P
Okey tu je gmba yg ign dn rela d'tnjukkan. hahah. Thanx sbb singgah blog sy! :D
p/s : Khamis nie Malaysia V. Chelsea...mungkinkah lbh rmai pnyokong Chelsea drpd negara Malaysia, negara kite sndri?
Menyampah ngo slah sowank mamat nie kne interview, ckp jela kau sokong Chelsea brbnding negara kau sndri. Ta payah na putar belit.
Mane Semangat Patriotik Rakyat Malaysia?? **hnya mmpu senyum sinis.