Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Have an Insomnia Problems :(


Petang yg indah, aq cube ntk melelapkn mata, tp sekejap shj, krane trbangun dr tidur yg tidak seberapa nie.
Puas aq brtanya kpd kwan2 mane nk cari ear plug *idea dr Nuha Muneerah, yg mmberikn jwapan yg menyenangkn hati ialah BF Dudu, Zaki. Katenye ade kt pharmacy. Hrap2 hujung mnggu nie dptlah aq cari mnde tu dgn Haziq n Iera.

*permudahkn lah Ya Allah~

Setelah itu, tibe2 aq trase nk cek kt internet jalan peyelesaian trhdap penyakit aq nie. Aq ta phm, knapa dlm bnyak2 aq sorang je ada mslah tido? kdang2 org tu bsing cmne pon, still ta bngun, tp aq nie? pelik btol.
Puas aq duk godek2 Google tu, dn akhir nya, baru aq tawu pnyakit ape sbnarnya aq nie. Dan trsgtlah btol ape yg d'katakn dlm internet tu..

Aq ade Insomnia...ataupun penyakit ssah nk tito, smada dlm jngka pendek, atau jangka msa yg pnjang.
Then, inilah jlan2 penyelasaian yg perlu aq amik...
  • Only ever go to bed when you are feeling tired and sleepy.
  •   Try to create a bedtime routine, such as a warm bath and warm milky drink every night. These activities will then be associated with sleep and will cause drowsiness.
  • Do not take a nap during the day.
  •   If the early morning sunlight or bright street lamps affect you sleeping, use thick blinds, curtains or wear an eye mask to create a dark environment.
  •  If noise is a problem, wear ear plugs.
  • Do not use the bedroom for anything other than sleeping or sex. Don’t watch television, make phone calls, eat, or work while you are in bed.
  • Rather than worrying about things while you are trying to get to sleep, write a list of your worries and any ideas you have to solve them; then forget about it until the morning.
  • Avoid or limit tea, coffee, chocolate, and cold remedies containing caffeine.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking as these are also stimulants. Alcohol may make you sleepy at first but will wake you up when the effects have worn off.
  •   Don’t eat a big meal or spicy foods just before bedtime. A small snack that contains tryptophan (a natural sleep-promoting amino acid) may help, such as turkey, banana and fish. A warm drink of milk before bedtime may help too.
  • Keeping fit will generally help you to have a good night’s sleep. Take daily exercise at least 4 hours before you are planning to go to bed as this will give your body temperature a chance to cool down.
  •   Make sure you have a comfortable mattress, a pillow you like, and adequate bed covers for the time of year e.g. quilt for winter.
  • If it takes longer than 20 or 30 minutes to get to sleep, do not lie in bed becoming anxious about sleeping. Instead, get up and go to another room for a short period and do something else such as reading or watching television, then try again.
Dan yg yg last nie mmg kne sgtlah dgn aq..=.=" 
  • Don’t watch the clock as this will only make you anxious e.g. ‘it’s 2.30 – I’ve got to be up at 6.30.’
**Dan sudah pasti si Mr. Zombie sgt bahagia krana slah stu jalan penyelasaian nye adlah, aq kne makan pisang. Adehhh..pisang sgt ta sedap!!! =.="

Ape2 pun, aq kne cube terapkn mnde2 nie..semoga dipermudahkn olehNya...aminn :)


  1. cepat cepat jgn degil. pisang la jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah anda.. muehehe. xD

  2. cisss...zombie!! Grr...belikan!! :p

  3. belikan tapi nnti nanes tersedu sedu terpaksa makan baik takyah. ekeke :p

  4. haha. ais krim pon ok mehh!! :p

  5. askerim? T_T nak....
