Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Siapa Kau???


Ya Allah..dugaan ape lg yg kau brikn pdku ini... Knapa setiap sem hal ini sering trjd pd driku? Ya Allah..aq btol2 ta tahan cmni...setiap sem ade shj perkara atau masalah yg aq kne hadapi. Ya Allah..SATU shj aq pinta, semoga segalanya ade hikmah dan itu adlah untuk kebaikn pd driku. Tabahknlah driku ini Ya Allah.

Untuk kau Hamba Allah, housemateku,

Kenapa kau nk perli2 aq? adkah sbb aq na buat hal aq sndri? slahkah? aq ta kaco idup kau pon. Mmg peti ais tu aq simpan letak dlm bilik. Sbb mak bpak aq yg belikn. Bkn kau. Kau berkira pasal bil eletrik, kau psti ke peti ais kecik aq tu makan bil yg tinggi? aq beli jenama high yg ade Sirim. Bkn cokiya2 mcm kau. Pasal bilik air tu, finelah kalau bilik air bwah nie sume share. Aq ok dgn tu sbb aq phm, kite ramai. Tp perlu ke kau perli2 aq wahai hamba Allah??

Aq tawu kowank ramai, tp ape hak kowank na suro aq turut sume kemahuan kowank. Kalau aq ta na, so kowank na pulaukn aq? sbb kowank ramai dr aq? Aq hnya dengar ckp mak bpak aq dn bukan kau, dan kau sekalian.

Ya Allah, kau tabahknlah hmba mu ini. Berikn aq ptunjuk mu, hnya pdmu ku memohon. Terima kasih mama ayah sbb sntiasa ade untuk akak. Sntiasa dngar luahan hati akak. Dan ntk ayah tersayang, terima kasih sbb sudi tolong akak dlm hal ni..terima kasih ayah.

Terima kasih ya Allah kerana berikn aq harta yg tidak ternilai. KELUARGAKU.

Berita baik apa ayah na britahu akak? ta sbar na tnggu besok :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

I don't live inside Barbie fairytale world.


Hidup ni tidaklah seindah mana. Tidaklah setinggi angan2 yg kite impikan.

Like dialog inside the Aisha movies, that have a very deep meanings..

Life is not simple. This is not fairytale but it is Delhi. There is no rainbows only smog. 
If you can see one clear star in the sky at night then that's more than enough.

What I can say in here is, we cant get a perfect life that we want, or we cant get a perfect guy that we want, even WE cant be perfect.

Like my friend always said to me, We have to learn to go with it..msam manis kehidupan tu, mmbntuk kehidupan seseorg itu ntk mnjd lbh sempurna.
Kite mngkin ta dpt jd ape yg mak bpak kite mahukn ttp mngkin kite boleh mnjd seorg yg berguna ntk org yg kita syg.

Every people have their own life and they have their own style how they manage their life.
But we can give our the best to make our life become the moment that we can be never forget.

Be tough Qistina, u must learn how to bear with it. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Akak syg Mama dan Ayah


Hari ini, ntah mngapa aq rase hndak mnangis, apabila mmkirkn kelakuan ku trhdp mama, sesuatu yg mungkin tidak aq sdari, telah melukakn hatinya.

Mungkin mama hnya mahu mmpertahankn hak dan driku, ttp aq tidak mahu bergaduh atau timbul konflik yg tidak d'ingini.

Dengan stress ta de washing machine kt umah nie dan tmpat penyidai yg mngkin ta ckup, mmbuatkn aq tertinggi suara pd mama.

Sedangkan, Mama dan ayah telah berusaha ntk mmberikn segala kemudahan yg ta mngkin aq dpt dr ibu bapa yg lain. Mama dgn ayah snggup belikn aq penyidai baju, malah peti ais smata2 ta mahu aq haus atau dahaga kerana kedai jauh dr rumah sewa ini.

Terima Kasih, mama ayah.

**bergenang air mata aq....~

Bkan niat aq na marah mama, tp aq ta suke kalau kite cpat sgt mmbuat andaian trhadap org yg kita ta knal. Aq tahu, mama lbh mkn garam, cume aq khuatir mereka tidak menyenangi dgn perbuatan mama, lalu tidak mnyukai aq.

Slepas shj mama ayah balik dan aq selesai mandi, handphoneku brbunyi. Ayahku menelefonku mngatakn ade d' dpan rumah ntk mmberikn aq mkanan dn minuman supaya aq ade stok ntk mkan nnt.
Skali lg, Terima kasih mama, ayah..ta trbalas jasa mama ayah :(

Mama, ayah, akak beruntung sbb ade mama ayah. Akak syg mama ayah. Terima Kasih mama, ayah... :(

Saturday, May 28, 2011



Seriously, aq na sgt wat status kt FB tu spt owank normal, like~

Finally, aq dah smpai ke Melaka..:)

Why aq ckp yg aq ta normal? Sbb stiap kli aq wat status bkak sem mst aq akn ckp, mnde2 yg menjatuhkn smangat,

 Ex : Am going back to far far away and disaster place. What pity of me.


Ntah knapa, aq rase tmpat nie mcm ta smngat aq na dtg. haha. Tp na wat cmne, aq na blaja, na genggam ijazah. InsyaAllah :)

So, dgn kata2 smngat~

Watever it is, I must finish ma diploma and continue Degree..heee.

**Eyes wif hope.

Hari ini sgtlah penat, dr pagi, smpai petang, smpai mlm, mcm2 aq beli smata2 na memenuhkn bilik yg smpit nie. hahaha. Biasela, aq nie na demand je :p

Ahaksss~~ :p

Satu cerita menarik ntk kowank. Ampaian baju yg aq beli baru sbentar tadi, telah patah.

**Thinkin. Baju aq bnyak sgt ke derr??

Hahaha. Mama hnya mampu gelak dn mntertawakn aq.

Selamat berkenalan wahai roomate junior ku, Azah! heee :p

p/s : Mummy miss you, Chum2. Jgn nakal2, t mummy amik ye :)

Friday, May 27, 2011



This night is the last night that I will spend at my home sweet home. Can't believe that it almost a month that I was at home...adehh.. Rase mcm ta sedia lg na balik. Even brang2 sume dh punggah letak kt uma sewa. Adehh. Tp, tadi sempat jugak makan Subway yg diidamkan dn tonton Pirates of Caribbeans dgn Man dan Hazirah...citer tu sgt lah besh sbb cite yg paling aq tnggu2..hahaha..am really enjoy the movies. Tergelak2 kiteowank kt lam wayang tu.

Minat Giler Johnny Deep is it true the spelling? hahaha..demn. Aq dgn adek aq mmg minat dye since dulu, lg2 dye blakon lam crite Tim Burtons...Suke sgt!!! heeeeee :D
But still, Isnin nie da start kuliah..adeh..rase mcm bru amik final je...nape la skjap sgt cuti nie T__T

Besok, pg2 dah kne brtolak pg Melaka. Yela, na kmas2 pe yg ptot. Na decorate bilik.. Hehehe. Ye ye oh jela aq nie. Roomate an sape pom aq ta tawu lg. Just hopefully that she is kind, ta talam dua muke, and sporting. InsyaAllah :)

P/S : Harap2 roomate baru aq tu ta alihkn katil bilik tu. Adehhh. Semoga Allah permudahkn segala urusan ku. :)

Am I Alone?

I was thinking...is there a true love for me? Or am just not realize it? It's kinda funny when am thinkin' bout the school, where am used to changed my Boy over and over again. But now, I dun have any. Omg, did my SAHAM already decrease?? hahaha. Adehh..It's will be a little bit of envy and lonely when I heard and saw my friends already have their own soul mate, I guess. Kadang2 bile dh ade BF or GF mst rase na Single sbb rimas dgn pasangan masing, but then, mule la sunyi ta de sape2. Is it me one of the people that have that attitude??


Sometimes, we always said that we need someone but do we really nid's him/her or we just want to fulfill our loneliness or the title of I'M NOT SINGLE? heee...
Hurmm..my friends always said that the True Love will come to u, and not You come to after it. So, just Chill for all the SINGLE people out there okey? 

**With the eye of HOPE..haha :p

To my bestiey if u read this, when will you bring me to Subway??
Am dying to have it!!!! haha..

So, for the people outthere if u still dont have anyone, just chill and spend more with ur friends..you will meet your true love when the time is come...and for the guy that destined for me..pleaaasseeee..I hope you are like my Prince Charming...awwwww...

**With the hand to chest and eyes to the sky :p

Me, my Family and friends, u have my love :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011



Adehh..lpas stu, stu dtg...skrg nie, jadual aq..dh la ade klas mlm...patu ptang jumaat..adehh...
Oh god, pleaseeee...mntak2 ade prubahan t..paling kurang pom hrp2..tuka la klas mlm tu, ke siang...aq wisau pk mcm mane na balik uma, lalu kt semak2 tu klu mlm..adehh...aq nie da la prempuan..mcm mane nie~~~ klu ta ubah trpksa la aq jlan ikot bukit yg jauh sbb ta na lalu kt semak tu..adehhh...pleaseeee..aminnn... T__T

**breath in...out~

Okey, smenjak dua mnjak nie, mkin mmbara dan rajin plak na mngemas rumah nie..ta tawu la why. Ta kan sbb hormon kot? ahaks..duuno! huhu.
Cume trase umo nie mkin mningkat, dn prlu lbh matang.
Kawan aq ckp, klu kite da kawen, kite akn matang scra tidak langsung. btol ke?

**angkat kening. :p

Heee..ntah la...aq pom ta tawu, t aq akn alami mnde tu. hee... Seronok bile berangan dah ade husband and baby...tp adakah hidup ini indah spt yg kita byangkn atau yg kite inginkn? mngkin ye. Mngkin tidak. :)

Walau apepun, aq rase seronok bile dpt kemas umah, memasak...eventho aq wat keje2 tu pas kol 12 sbb aq bngun tghr..adehhh...tu je yg aq ta ley ubah. Tito lamat, bngun tghr.. anak dara cmne nie?? adehh...hahaha. Tibe2 aq tringat kata seseorang~
Dia nak aq blajar bngun pg sblum umo aq 20...hehe..aq akn cube amik kata2 tu sbg smangat ntk mnjd seorang yg lbh matang dan dewasa. hehe. Thnk U :)

Klau boleh aq ta na mrengek dan mngadu lg..myb sbb nie, aq d'anggap trlampau mnje dn ta boleh brfikir dgn elok..suke buat kputusan trbru2...suke marah ta tntu psal...adehh...
Aq na cube...InsyaAllah aq bole...heeee.

p/s : Kak mira....u almost 21 but..still...i cant believe that! haha.. Love You So Much!! :p

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Heee...bru balik dr Mid..aq p ,dgn kwan bek aq, Man, dan Adik aq, Hazirah..hee.
Kiteowank ngo cte The Insidious...cite sycho! tp beshh..smpai takot na p toilet..haha. Cite tu mmg besh giler! Hari ni jugak, Man bwak aq an adik aq, p mkn kt Nando's..wahh....sdap jugak...hee..da lame ta pg, so ta igt da taste dye cmne...huhu..thnx man!! heee...om nyom3 :p

Pose kejap sblum bertolak :p

And, hari ni jugak, aq trpaksa mntak Man jd pnjaga smentara ntk hamster aq..sobb2...sbb ta mampu na bwak balik melaka bnyak2 brang so..mntak man jga kn dulu..huhu...thnx again dear. :)


Btw, topik yg aq na cte actually bout my result..alhmdulillah stelah cuba bnyak2 kali ntk cek, akhirnye dpt jugak..heee..alhmdulillah...subject yg aq paling takot, dpt A..mmg ta sngke btol..huhu...thanx madam...syg madam..heeee..

Ape2 pom glad sbb sme lulus..Alhamdulillah :) ta ley ckp lebeh2 t kantoi lak..heee :p

p/s ntk Ngek : Besok Subway..JANGAN LUPE!

Monday, May 23, 2011

I just LOVE shopping's!

Dear girls, it's been two days without post, I guess! hehe...well, malas nak bkak blog bile internet lembab mcm sipowt. haisyy. Tu la masalahnye klu pkai berukband nie, I mean Broadband? haha..adehh~

Btw, I have lot of fun 3,4 ari lepas, kua dgn Fia, KB, and celebrate Birthday Fia yg ke-20..ahaks! hehe..besh sgt, have fun with friends called Girl! and not BOY..haha..am really have a great time!
D'sbabkn msalah teknikal, so tak dpt upload gamba bnyak2..ni pom brkurun tnggu!! adehh~~ Again**
Sory KB, aq ta pat masokkn gmba ang, tp aq mention ang kt cni. ahaks :p

Birthday Gurl!! Sofia Afiqah :)

Btw, smlm adlah hr terindah sbb dpt kasut yg d'idamkn slame nie!! Suke sgt!! even bkn leather yg d'impikan but still ske sgt!! Klu leather I bet mst 200 something..aishh...ley beli baju Maxi stu ngan kasut tu..ahaks...I dunno wether it is call as boots or shoes but I just pgl dye kasut snang. Haha. :p Mmg ske sgt smpai peluk kotak tu spanjang lam kereta..ahaks :p

Okey tak?? hehe..ta mampu la beli yg leather tu..ta pe, ta pe, t ade wit lebih or na g luar negara ke, I'll buy it!! hehe.

Then, tati, I pg jalan2 cari baju ntk raye, tp ta dpt lg..I na cari jacket half but long sleeves..ssah btol na cri. Klu ade pom, harga mahal, tp bkn jacket pon, just kain, ta mau la!
Na yg wane kulit bru style...ahaks, then pakai dgn Maxi dress..really want it. mane na cari ek?? adehh... T__T
I need help?? huhu T__T

p/s : Tgl lg seminggu then balik Melaka, smbung sakitkn otak, I mean study. ergh.
But, kurang sket sakit bile dpt shoping. haha.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fragrance Makes My Day Beautiful!


Dear girls! how's ur day? :)

I just came back from bought some stuff, am mean barang2 rumah je. lolx. Everythin' for my next sem stuff I think it is already overloaded. ahakz.

Hurm..topik ape ye kite na cite mlm nie? Mmandangkn blog lg stu tu, I da delete, so everything we just gonna talk at HERE ok?hehe.

Now, I guess we gonna talk bout perfume. I loooove perfume.
Lg2 perfume yg ade high quality of alcohol, than lame and sdap sgt bau dye. Tp al-maklum, I ta keje lg, so perfume under 100 jela mampu..hihi. I pnah pkai perfume 200++ tp itu pon my mom yg bought. Perfume Curious by Britney Spears. hehe.

My perfume are more to executive fragrance or lembut tp bkn terlmpau perempuan, and now, my perfume?

This is absolutely my favourite! the touch of it make me feel like am in Barbie world or inside the Lovely Lace shop. lol. But I'm love this perfume. I just gonna use this perfume only when there is special day like wedding, hangout and etc. Mmg I syg sgt perfume nie! hehe. I bought it about RM 79.00 and it is Moroccan Rose from The Body Shop.

Another one is, perfume by Playboy, Play It Sexy...ahaks..sounds naughty right? lolx. Well, yg nie murah je, dlm RM 39.89.. (my bestie support RM20.00!! Thank u, dear! :p) yg nie, I beli ntk pkai pg kelas. Yg perfume dr Body Shop tu I syg sgt, so mcm mmbzir klau pkai pg kelas je. That's why I beli perfume nie and botol dye sgt cute! hehe.

Nie jela perfume yg I ade...taklah mahal mcm korang..tak mmpu lg nk beli..lolx. :p

P/S : Korang pakai perfume ape? ;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Friends. Did We?

If u already get a boyfiee or shorty then, do u will leave ur friend?

I mean, she/he always be with u no matter what u do but, after already get back to ur shorty, u will forgot what u always do wif ur bestiey?

At college, yeah, u don't have anyone only ur friend, but then, when u meet her, u totally forgot bout ur friend.

Even, at Facebook, that does not cost any money, but still there is nothing msg from u.

**Me, my self were worried bout u,like~

How's u? Did u just fine at there? What's ur backup plan to get back HERE, when will u arrive HERE?

But u really dont give a damn.

Sorry if it's kinda rude, but who am I? Did we friends or wat?

p/s : Thanx to my dearest friend cuz give me the meaning and feeling of Holidays!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

For Her

Hello dear,

What's ur prob? keep changing ur status at YM to make me read it. Just because I dont give a demm what u have said?Come on laa....u are much more older than me but ur attitude like a kid.

No need to say, Salam Princess, it's really annoy's me. Yeah, I am princess not like u, lol.
Come on, if u want him, take it! I dont give a demm. He is my friends, I do love him. okey?

Kalau pangai hang tu cemburu buta manjang, sape tahan? come on.. realize it ok?
Jangan na slahkn owank je.

Haishh....buang masa aq je ckp psai ang. Pffttt~~


Strong Dear!


Dear girls, na mention kt cni...I'm forgot my another blog email!! Password igt tp email ta igt..pfftttt..=.=.
I'm soooo sorry, that's y ta pat na update blog tu. Ta twu cmne ley lupe email dye. Ughh..=.=.

But, today, I have a great time wif my family. Kteowank p jalan2 kt Pahang and makan udang galah..om nyom3. ;p


My stomach is totally full!

Hehe..after that, kteowank singgah kt Ampang point and okeyla, jmpe owank2 Korea kt sne... *ntah2 cina. lolx. Ta ramai sgt, tp ade la jmpe gurl nie, santek! and I guess that is really Korea..sbb mata dye bulat..comel!! hehe.

Btw, na share stu story nie..I really dont understand pengajar2 kt Malaysia nie.
Klu ta ske student tu, failkn dye. I mean, u mmg ade hak na wat cmtu, tp itu sgtlah tidak profesional if he makes his work perfectly but u failed him just because of "design awk ta menarik, bosan" . Pdahal ade lg member student nie yg ta siap but got C- ,

I do really shocked because he really do his work, bknnye ta siap, siap!!! but this lecturer bg D kt student nie??
Helooooo..architect nie bknnye kos yg snang...yg men lekat2, tmpal2 kayu patu hntar...
Be profesional la sket..U tu lecturer..bkn cikgu..boleh kata lg tnggi dr cikgu.
Ishh..ta paham la aq dgn lecturer cmni!

Hurrmm..for my bestiey, I hope u'll be strong. I'm always support u k! Alwayss...

p/s : **Nasib baik lecturer Eco ta mcm nie. Mudah2 Macroeconomy dpt result yg ok.. Aminnn!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bored Hols


Dear..dear..and dear girls,

What should we talk bout for today? *let me think!

It is 1.25 a.m. Demm!! this hols is really bored. I dont have a car even license either..*lol

Well, this hols I need to finished up my driving class..its really tired! wif the teachers that really sucks for me. Ohh good...i'm tired wif all this. Why kite ta blaja je kete auto, I bet must there is no people that will failed their JPJ test! hahaha.

Just now, my friend, *I guess.. I just know him from FB. well we dont talk much or knew each other so much, and he ask me to chat wif him thru Webcame. Erkk...luckly, my eyes are swollen rite now, and sorry dear myb next time. hehe.

Well, ur cute and of course I wish ur my Sergio..ahakz! Dye nie boley d'katakn sbg Mat Saleh, cuz his mum is Dutch but his dad is Malay. He stay at Penang but now at Amsterdam. Kadang2 kiteowank speaks Malay, but its kinda funny when I speak Malay baku wif him...hahaha. Like~

Him : Awak apa khabar?
Me : Baik..terima kasih.

Hahaha...I cant belive I'v just said and spell Thnx in malay and like in SPM BM esssay..haha.
Well dear, next time when my eyes are fully covered from ketumbit and my face are cute that time, we shall have a WC! hehe. :p

Why soooo serious? Xp

Yg belah kanan tu la dye. Ahakz!

Sorry dear, cuz took ur pic! thanx, It's nice to know YOU! ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am 20 =/

Hello guys!

Demm, hari nie, duitku sbanyak RM 30 hingget mlayang gara2 ta pna pg klinik sesowank. Yela, slame nie pg an mama ayah. Huhu. Mane la cek tawu klu g klinik panel je ta kne bayar...haiyakkk... =/

But today is great day cuz, dpt jmpe membe skola. Well, its really nice day, today, eventho my eyes are swollen at the right sight! haiyaaaa..doktor ckp sbb ketumbit....huuu..so sad.. >.<

Btw, ari nie I blajar masak tempoyak! yea...umo dah 20...so kne la blaja msak2 nie. My dad always mare, dye ckp I nie tawu msak mknn western je. LoL. Okey la, okey la..I blaja msak mknn kampung or Malaysia okeyy..huhu.

Well, The dishes that i need to learn before marry is??

1. Ikan patin msak tempoyak (done)
2. Ikan msak asam pedas.
3. Ayam msak kurma. (my ex ask me to learn. Ahaks!)
4. Cendawan kulat msak tempoyak. (my fav!)
5. Ayam or Daging Rendang.

Ahaks!! Actually bknnye I ta tawu msak dishes nie, cme ta pro lg..huhu. Bnyak lg yg I na blajar, tp nie je yg I rase penting ntk I blaja wat mase nie..huhu.
Lelaki nie klu na knal dgn girl tu mst tnye dye reti msak ke ta kan?? Tapi yg laki nie, sibuk2 na tnye. Awk tu jgnla memilih sgt. Awk igt awk tu bgus sgt?? Belajar and dpt Keje leklok bru menggatal oke? Klu ta de msa dpan, cmne na sara ank bini??

p/s : Emo sbb tgh mncari. =/

Monday, May 9, 2011

I want to have this moment!

Like a fairytale, everyone want this moment. To have someone that will be with us until the last breath. All this picture's are so beautiful..I want to be have like those picture's in my wedding someday. Aminn :)

How u want to be my future Boyfiee?? :p

1. A good boyfriend knows how to keep his girlfriend happy. Satisfying a woman is a comprehensive plan that does not only involve the sexual aspect of a relationship. A good way to do so is to make her feel special by complimenting her on how well she looks.

2. Women do their best to look pretty for their man and a little flattering remark goes a long way to show her that her efforts are appreciated. It is also a good idea for a man to evaluate his own physical appearance. As a woman takes the time to look good for her man therefore a man should also look good for his woman.

3.To show respect for her and her family is a trait of a good boyfriend that every man should adopt. A well-mannered man is polite and nice to his girlfriend's family. Women are particularly appreciative of a man that accepts and loves her family. Communication is a vital part of every relationship. Women cherish a man who listens and pays attention to what they have to say.

4.There are no hard and fast rules on how to be a good boyfriend. And learning how to be a good boyfriend is not easy. The enthusiasm to learn must be present. It is also important to be comfortable and at ease with oneself when undertaking such an education.

5. Being true to oneself is an important part of the learning process. A man forced into learning how to be a good boyfriend can develop negative emotions that would not be healthy for the individual and for the relationship. If a man were not interested in learning then he would only be fooling himself and his partner.

You have all the criteria? Be Mine. ;p

I need a bowl of love

I miss to be touch.

I miss to be care.

I miss to be pampered.

I miss the feel of love.

I feel so untouched.

I want u so much, I need u so much.

I dont know who are u, where are u.

I just hoping that I will meet u.

The jelousy are inside me, I cant resist it.

I keep telling my heart, I dont need u, I dont need a guy to complete my life,

But I do need love.

I want to feel young,

I want to screaming and holding ur hand,

I want u to hold my hand, and hug me tightly in ur arms,

I want to feel secure wif ur love,

I want everything of u,

But still, i dont know u, I could not find u.

Find me, I miss u my LOVE.

Monday, May 2, 2011



Hello guysss...Finally, one month in Malaysia. LoL xD
Tention dah pun berlalu, ta de lg saket otak pk law, eco and acc...hopefully sem nie, result okey dan trbaik eventho eco and acc cam hangus gak la..huhu. Dah2 ta mo igt!
Cuti nie na gunekn mase dgn sebaiknye ntk release tntion dan brsiap sedia masuk sem 4 :)

Tadi, bru je pas beli Hamster!! Syrian hamsterr...c0omel...gemuk smpai ta le masuk lam tmpat role tu. huhu. cian dye... sorry man sbb da beli dlu! ta tahan la ngo dye comel sgt and ade dikaun abesss.,sape na lepaskn?? hehe :p
Ta pe2 t qis tman kamu okey?? ;D

Cuti nie na wat pe ye?? na stop mkn nasik!da 3 ari mkn nasik. burr... stop qis!! stop!!
Na tito cukup2, rehat cukup2...na have fun!! na shopink. :p
I hope this holiday would never end..i wish~

Meet! my new pet! Smelly..inspiration by Squidward :D

P/s : Na beli glasses or contact lens? blur~